Pilot Onboarding

I'm always looking to add pilots to my roster. A simple message or call to me is all it takes to get started.

Why you may want to be on the Aircraft Delivery Solutions (ADS) roster:

1. I provide all the sales and marketing necessary to generate leads.

2. There's no cost to you to onboard or remain on my roster.

3. You have a partner in the ferrying process. My job is to make your tasks easier.

4. If you're new to ferry flying, it's fine because I'll guide you through, step by step.

5. You can exit the agreement any time, no questions asked.

  • 1. For fixed-wing pilots, hold a FAA Commercial or Airline Transport Pilot certificate with a Single-Engine Land rating and an Instrument Airplane rating.

    2. For rotary-wing pilots, hold a FAA Commercial or Airline Transport Pilot certificate with Helicopter rating

    3. Have logged 500 hours of Pilot-in-Command time, 100 hours of cross-country (defined here as a landing more than 50 nautical miles from the takeoff airport), and 35 hours of night time.

    4. Mastery of the English language, including aviation English.

    5. Successful completion of interview and background check by ADS. Pilots must supply character and flying references. When onboarding pilots, it’s my job to examine qualifications, talk about needs and reasons for wanting to ferry aircraft, and ultimately decide if their personality, and technical skill, make them a good fit.

  • Pilots based outside of the United States will meet requirements on a case-by-case basis.

  • 1. You must agree to appear on www.aircraft.delivery on the "Pilot Roster" page.

    2. Your identifying information will be your first name, last initial, country of residence, and a headshot photo of no more than 125x125 pixels.

    3. Your listing will contain your qualifications, including pilot certificates held, relevant hours logged, type ratings, and specialized training

    4. No contact information will be listed for pilots.

    5. In the event any pilot wants to be removed from my roster, his/her listing on the website will be removed immediately.

  • 1. When a serious request comes into the company, I will start checking with qualified pilots about their interest and availability.

    2. In the process of finalizing a sale with a client, I'll select one interested PIC (and one SIC when appropriate) and submit the pilot(s) information for approval by the client.

    3. Once the client approves the flightcrew, I will interface with the applicable insurance and ensure the pilot(s) meet policy requirements. Some policies will require pilot(s) to be named.

    4. Pending insurance approval, pilot(s) are assigned to the ferry mission.

  • There are some rules that pilots must agree to, in order to accept a ferry flight assignment. These rules are in addition to standards that regulate aircraft operation in a given country. Exceptions may be made to these policies, case-by-case and in writing.

    1. Operational control (the authority to initiate or terminate a flight) rests with ADS. Pilot(s) also may terminate a flight at their discretion. Responsibility to operate flights safely and legally is exclusively with flightcrew. ADS is not on-site and will not participate in actual conduct of flight operations.

    2. Flight safety is paramount, and operations will be conducted in a conservative manner. Both ADS and the pilot(s) must agree that a proposed flight can be completed safely, in order for the pilot to receive approval to depart.

    3. Flightcrew must maintain ability, subject to usual obstacles, to communicate with ADS and prioritize ADS messages/calls.

    4. Flightcrew must maintain personal financial ability to purchase reimbursable items, up to $1000 per planned flight day. Expenses include lodging, meals, taxi/rideshare, and small fuel expenses. ADS will remotely purchase any single cost over $500, typically fuel or maintenance.

    5. Pilots will be compensated either on an hourly, daily, or flat basis. Each pilot will contract with ADS regarding compensation, prior to finalizing a flight assignment. Contracts will include contingencies including early mission termination, time spent waiting for weather or maintenance, or significant flight hours in excess of planned. Pay will arrive in the pilot's custody no more than 72 business hours following mission completion. Expense reimbursement will arrive in pilot's custody no more than 72 business hours following expense summary submission to ADS.

    6. Ferry missions are subject to delays. Normally, flightcrews are expected to wait at the aircraft location until progress toward the destination can again be made. Flighcrew compensation for major delays will be negotiated within the contract. Flightcrew will advise ADS of their availability during the matching process. They will remain with the aircraft until they must travel to their home base to comply with the end of their availablity.